
Monday, April 18, 2011


I have proclaimed this week Home Improvement Week. Everyone is going to do a post about how they improved their homes this week. What I have learned is that it doesn't have to be a huge yard makeover or painting a room. It can be the smallest of things that can improve your home the most. So I hope you enjoy our different views of Home Improvement, and it gets you thinking of what you can do that will help you improve your own homes.

Well as you can see in my description on the "About us" page. I hate to clean my house, so when we were having a themed week I thought of this first. So I made my self a list of things I should do each morning, afternoon, and evening. To be perfectly honest I have yet to do all of the things on the list. But I am working on it.

But like I said, it is the little things that can really improve things. So I cleaned my fridge and my lid drawer (you know how terrible the lid drawer can get when you can't find anything). I open them up now and just smile. It seriously makes my day.
PS: sorry there is no before picture, because I was too embarrassed to show you how bad they were before, just how good they look now.

I also changed the little bulbs in my kitchen and bathroom. What a difference good lighting can do for your house. I changed 9 light bulbs in my kitchen and two in my bathrooms. Talk about a home improvement, we went from 4 working light bulbs in the kitchen to13. It is so much better.

I hope you enjoy our Home Improvement week and hope the others do something a little more amazing for you all.