For the past couple of weeks, Juli and I have been discussing a spring wreath. We have gone through many that we have seen at various blogs. We finally decided on THIS spring wreath over at Mary Janes and Galoshes.
(Jacki's Wreath)
This wreath cost almost nothing or about $2.00. All of the supplies I had at home except the wreath, which came from Dollar Tree. This wreath isn't hard, it just takes time. Mine took me about 5-6 hours over a period of a few days. (This also includes kids fighting, husband kissing and all the other blessings in a mom's life!)
Items you'll need:
(mine was 13' and Juli's was 18')
*Scrap fabric
*Glue gun
*Package of lunch bags
(20-25 for mine. 40ish for Juli's)
*Scallop punch
*Unsharpened pencil
*Flowers, butterflies etc for decorating.
1.We took some of Juli's scrap fabric and tore it into long strips. We covered the wreath and then hot glued the end. This will make it easier to glue on the scalloped flowers.
2. Punch out your scalloped flowers. We got about 8 punches out of each bag.
*Tip: Some of the punches came out double. I just took some scalloped scissors and cut them in half.
3. Push the end of the pencil into the middle of the flower and curl the sides up around the pencil. Place glue on the end and secure it to your wreath.
4. Keep doing this until the whole wreath is filled. Save a few flowers in case you see a hole later. *Tip: make sure you look from every angle. Sometimes you need more flowers on the side or in the middle.
5. Glue or tie ribbon around your wreath.
6. Decorate how you would like.
(Here is a close up of Juli's bird. Isn't it cute!)
Juli had an idea about making it so you could change the decorations for different seasons or holidays. I ended up taking some fishing line, no I don't fish, I just had some on hand. I tied the line around my wreath. It's clear so you can't see it unless you look really close. I then took an alligator clip (for hair) and started trying out different things.
I took a cereal box and cut it into a rectangle. I then organized my flowers how I wanted them. I glued them to the cardboard and glued the clip to the cardboard.
It's so easy to change out the flowers, which means I won't get bored looking at the same wreath for a month. The clip variation is endless.
So there you have it. A wreath for all season.
Let me know if you have any questions.
If you come up with a cute clip variation, let us know! We would love to see!
Happy Spring Everyone!
Jacki :)
So glad you guys tried it!!! Turned out great. I think I must have made mine looser than most others who have tried it as it didn't take me as long as it seems to be taking those trying it out. Or maybe I was just distracted by what I was creating :) Thanks for the link!